Physics Education
Many students do not develop a significant understanding of physical concepts through a traditional teaching. By traditional instruction, we mean instruction that is similar in emphasis and approach to that found in most introductory classrooms, the use of end–of-chapter problems and the use of numerical and textbook problems on homework and exams. The Physics Education Research Group considers the design and implementation of research-based instructional modifications. These modifications help students to acquire a conceptual physics functional understanding. Students develop functional understanding when they transfer cognitive abilities among several physical contexts.
Dr. Maria D. Gonzalez
M.S. Karla Carmona
- "Improving Conceptual Understanding of Density Through Hybrid Instruction", Presenter: Jorge Dayer
- "Developing Techniques for Improving Functional Understanding of Vectors", Presenter: Leonardo Rodriguez.
Current Projects
- Transfer of knowledge from mechanic to electromagnetics
- Conceptual understanding through in-lab interactive videos.
- Design and implementation of conceptual-numerical labs.
- Abstraction level of physics concepts learning through a variation process.
- Student use of vectors in introductory mechanics. American Journal of Physics 72, 460 (2004); doi: 10.1119/1.1648686
- Students’ difficulties with tension in massless strings. American Journal of Physics 78, 1412 (2010); doi: 10.1119/1.3490008